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 CAN to s88
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Autor Using Marklin S88 AC   1 # 3 top

Beiträge: 2

Ort: Rochester New York USA
Eingetreten: 17.12.20
Status: Offline
Eingetragen am 17.12.2020 22:58  

I use GleisReporter deLuxe connected to a Start-Punkt with an RJ-45 cable, all good. I want to use my Marklin S88 AC 60881 for additional feedback. I plug the Marklin S88 AC 60881 into either the GleisReporter deLuxe or Start-Punkt with an RJ-45 cable and the system shuts off and all the yellow LEDs go off. The sytem turns back on again when I remove the Marklin S88 AC 60881. What is the problem? Is it possible to use any Marklin S88 with CAN-Digital-Bahn? Thank You

Bearbeitet von emarklin am 17.12.2020 23:20
Autor RE: Using Marklin S88 AC   2 # 3 top
Wilde 13

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Beiträge: 359

Ort: da, wo die Seehunde bellen
Eingetreten: 22.11.10
Status: Offline
Eingetragen am 18.12.2020 11:25  

Hello, welcome to the forum!

It is not possible to use any s88 device with CAN-digital-Bahn. - Like the name says, it's CAN technology and this bus is quite different to s88.

The main difference is that the CAN-feedback reacts immediately to an event and the s88 has to be polled several times to assure that there has happened something somewhere. This costs valuable time and leads to errors that are not possible with CAN-bus.

Wilde 13

Autor RE: Thank You   3 # 3 top


Beiträge: 2

Ort: Rochester New York USA
Eingetreten: 17.12.20
Status: Offline
Eingetragen am 22.12.2020 03:34  

Wilde 13,
Thank you for the S88 explanation. I was hoping to use something else than GleisReporters for making track occupancy detection as they are currently difficult and expensive to ship from Germany to USA. I don't see any other option that would be as convenient as just plugging in an RJ45 cable. Thanks Again and have a Merry Christmas and a good slide into 2021!

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